Visiting the NOVAS ecosystem can serve as a starting point for those who want to explore the world of space technologies, broaden their professional horizons, establish valuable contacts, or even embark on a space journey.
Public and Educational Events: The ecosystem welcomes guests with various opportunities to immerse themselves in space technologies and entrepreneurship. Seminars, lectures, educational programs, and tours provide valuable and relevant knowledge and skills in these areas, making them accessible and understandable for every visitor to the ecosystem.
Support for Entrepreneurial Initiatives: Open access to the ecosystem environment provides an opportunity to network with professionals, companies, and potential investors, which could open doors for future project involvement or employment. Internal ecosystem programs include the possibility of providing resources and support for developing startups or entrepreneurial projects to develop business ideas and attract investments. Who knows, perhaps you might return to NOVAS to build your career or realize a new idea.
Access to Innovative Products and Technologies: At NOVAS, not only can you be among the first to learn about new developments and technologies, but you can also participate in their testing or demonstrations.
Space Tourism: The platform offers a full spectrum of interaction with space science—everyone can become a visitor to space! The ecosystem carefully provides an opportunity for appropriate training and a truly cosmic check-up at a medical center.
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